1. Ability to sort and filter APIs by environment
  2. Ability to multi-select APIs and change the environment with which they are associated
2.1 This saves the noob who imports the API with no environment file (the interface allows this) and has to click through them all once the environment is created, to set it
  1. We expect we will be submitting requests on portability of API content between projects and potentially workspaces on this in the future, but we need more testing time to formulate the requests, around this theme:
For example if watch or desktop and/or web are in the future separate projects from core mobile app (primarily because the views need to be separate) how can we best reuse the highest % of the logic base across these projects?
How can we spin up additional projects for other clients in the future with the highest percentage of reusable DhiWise content beyond the API JSON files which are trivial and we provided in the first place?